Max und die wilde 7 - Die Geister-Oma


Max und die wilde 7 - Die Geister-Oma


After his success in part 1, Max had hoped for a great new school year. But as if being bullied wasn't enough, now he's also supposed to play against his own class in a senior soccer match. And when it seems that the Geroldseck castle is haunted a new case begins for Max and hier senior friends...

MAX UND DIE WILDE 7 - DIE GEISTER-OMA is a co-production of Neopol Film with Neue Bioskop Film and Rat Pack Filmproduktion, distributed by Weltkino Filmverleih.

Director: Winfried Oelsner
Screenplay: Lisa-Marie Dickreiter, Winfried Oelsner
DoP: Andy Löv
Cast: Lucas Herzog, Uschi Glas, Günther Maria Halmer, Thomas Thieme, uvm.
Commissioning Editor: -
Genre: Familienunterhaltung
Year: 2024